Jewellery explorations / personal project
Silver | Brass | Copper
Year: 2019 - on going
As far as I can remember I have always been making something with my hands, drawing, painting, building 'Meccanos' or ‘Legos’, putting together jewellery made of exotic seeds and feathers, sewing poorly by hand to modify clothes, styling longboards or making a cardboard home for children with origami folding principles.
Learning metalsmith was always on top of my list, so I enrolled with an amazing local artist shortly after I landed in Tassie, where I have learned multiple techniques.
Doing personal projects brings new skills to my professional work, it gives me confidence and excitement to understand something new, in this case how to work with metal.
The below collection is inspired by objects found on different trips around the island. It is somehow materialized in rings and other bits and pieces that explore different qualities of design and sculpture.
Amor Dañino
Dangerous Love
Year: 2019
When your friend gets excited and tells you a secret the night of your own wedding: Belen I love you and I want you to design a ring because I am going to propose! (I have to say that they are together since they were 16 years old and we have the same age... I am not going to make the math but it took a while for him to get inspired). We had a few extra drinks for sure and the excitement was incredible. Working with a friend you love is amazing, at least with this one.
Conceptually the piece is inspired by the beauty and dangerous force of her. Like the goddesses Isis and Hathor, the ring represents love, joy and motherhood.
She loves it which is the best part. And she said yes, which I guess is important too, but she would have said yes regardless of the ring. We are talking about a great love story here.